Why We Sing

Why We Sing

Some encouraging words from Jonathan Leeman, 9Marks Editorial Director, on the importance of corporate singing:

“At my church’s Sunday gathering, the preacher and everyone leading the service sits on the stage facing the congregation.

In the past, I’ve been tempted to wonder if they’re really worshipping, or just looking around. Doesn’t someone who is really worshipping close his eyes, put up his hands, and wear an expression of rapture?

At least that’s what I wondered until it was me sitting on stage, looking at the congregation. When the singing begins, I’m beholding God’s people praise God. And it’s unbelievable! …

Read the full article here.

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8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays