Encouraging men to trust and follow Christ.

Men’s Ministry

We believe the men of MacArthur are men whom God has sovereignly chose to place in this world in this moment. God has particularly placed each of us in this moment to be men of influence for the world around us. Our goal for Men’s Ministry is to see every man fulfilling the ministry to which God has called him.


Registration for BetterMan is closed. Click Here to make payment for your previous registration.


If you are not yet connected to a Community Group, we have a variety of groups that meet throughout the week, which you can explore here.


In the Fall of every year, our men come together for an evening of food, fellowship and a message from a guest speaker. This night is a great opportunity to invite friends and family and is open to all men, including high school age.


Out of the 8,760 hours in a year, our men enjoy taking 19 hours out of the year together to focus on what God has to say to us as men whom He has called out to influence the world around us. Watch for a ‘Save the Date’ announcement for 2025.


Email Rob Tayne (rtayne@mbbcirving.org) if you have any questions or are looking to get connected to other men at MacArthur!

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays