Community Groups exist to equip people to live a life in community.
Community Groups
At MacArthur Blvd, Community Groups are essential, offering a space where care, discipleship, and mission are part of everyday life. These small and diverse groups meet regularly, allowing members to forge deeper connections with one another and grow in their faith beyond the Sunday service. Whether you’re sharing laughter, tears, or prayers, you’ll find a support system within these groups that encourages personal and communal growth in Christ.
Community Groups are available for all life stages and meet in various locations. If you’re looking for an off-campus group near you, explore our online map for details on meeting times and leader contacts. We also have on-campus groups that meet on Sunday morning at 9am if that better suits you. If you’re unsure which group might be the best fit, complete our Community Group Interest Form, and we’ll assist you in finding the right one. For additional assistance or information, you’re welcome to visit the Next Step desk in the church foyer on Sundays.
On-Campus Group Descriptions
We are a multigenerational, co-ed community group with a conversational style. Members are invited to share thoughts on the Bible passages covered. Our time together is often a blend of expository Bible teaching and life application. For more information, please contact Daniel & Kim Bruner at kmb79@att.net.
We are a group of young men and women who meet to study and discuss topics that are especially pertinent to college students. From vocation to politics to dating, this group is serious yet joyful in desiring to be conformed more and more into the likeness of Christ. In addition to meeting on Sunday mornings, we have lunch together on the first Sunday of every month following corporate worship. For more information, please contact Brett Imamura at bimamura@gmail.com.
We are a co-ed, multigenerational group that studies books of the Bible and are currently in Revelation. This is a hybrid group that is also offered on Google Hangouts for those who are unable to attend in person. In addition to the Bible study on Sunday mornings, we meet on Wednesday nights for an informal Prayer/Supper with dessert and a devotional. For more information, please contact Greg Lapp at greglapp48@gmail.com.
We are a group of women who study the Bible and Christian books about becoming faithful Christ followers. We are currently studying “Experiencing God.” For more information, please contact Kathleen Adams at kg_adams@yahoo.com.
We are a co-ed group in our 30s and 40s that studies books of the Bible and Christian Life Application books while doing life together as families with children ranging from preschool to high school. For more information, please contact Enoch Paris at enoch.paris@gmail.com.
We are a co-ed senior adult class. We study a book of the Bible and are currently walking through Psalm 119. For more information, please contact Tommy Riggins at tommynella@yahoo.com.
We are a group of mature women who love studying together and praying for others. We do the Explore the Bible series, in which we conduct a chapter-by-chapter study of the books of the Bible. Our class is called the JOY class because we focus on Jesus-Others-You. For more information, please contact Julie Davis at julie@davis5.net.
We are a diverse co-ed group in our 30s to 50s, some married and some single, and some with children ranging from newborns to early middle school. We jointly study passages of Scripture related to the current sermon series using a loose inductive format, trying to dive deeper into the meaning of the text. We would love to meet you! For more information, please contact Nathan & Sophilia Wu at gocommunity@duck.com.