Worship Gathering Guidelines

We currently have one in-person Sunday Worship Gathering on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. 

The Livestream will also be streamed at @ 9:30 a.m. It will be available to replay at any time.

*Starting Sept. 13, our Sunday morning schedule is changing. The Worship Gathering will be moved to 11:00 a.m. Learn more here.

We understand that everyone must make the best choice for their family during this time. We continue to look forward to the day when we can all worship together as the body of Christ!

If you or a household member is in a high risk category, we encourage you to continue participating in worship with us via our Livestream.

If you are able join us for our in-person gathering, you will be asked to follow the guidelines and instructions we have listed below. Children 2 years and under may attend without a mask. If you are concerned your children will be busy or noisy during the service, we want you to know that we expect that and welcome their presence with us during this time


  1. 9:30 a.m. Worship Gathering – We are asking each person to wear a face covering as you enter, sing, and depart. We will have a section reserved for those that need or prefer to wear a face covering for the entire service.
  2. The church Health Team (comprised of health care professionals within our church) will oversee health checks of our staff and monitor our service to see that we are able to maintain proper cleanliness, sanitation and social distancing.

  3. If any family members have a fever, are sick or showing any symptoms of illness, please do not attend.

  4. Everyone attending will use hand sanitizer as you enter the lobby.

  5. Please maintain at least six feet distance between your family and other family groups while entering the building, through the lobby and into the worship center.

  6. The church staff will be facilitating the Worship Gathering and we will have greeters and ushers helping you with seating arrangements to maximize seating.

  7. We will only have the lobby and worship center open which will have been thoroughly cleaned and sanitized prior to our gatherings. There will not be child care nor any small group meetings taking place at the church building while we are meeting for worship.

  8. The men’s and women’s restroom by the main entrance will be open during our gathering. We are asking you to only use it if it is absolutely necessary.  If it is necessary for your children to use the restroom, please make sure they are accompanied by an adult. The restroom will be regularly cleaned and sanitized as needed.

  9. Please refrain from any physical contact with anyone other than your family that attends with you. Waves rather than hugs. You will be able to fellowship outside with others before and after the service. We also want to make sure our families with small children feel welcome. Until we can offer childcare again, please be patient and understanding with our little ones during the service.

  10. Every other row will be unused and each family will maintain at least two empty seats between them and the next family. You can also be seated with anyone that came to church with you.

  11. The water fountains and coffee bar will be closed. Please bring water for you and your family if desired.

  12. Interior doors will be propped open to minimize shared surface contact.

  13. Staff will assign doors for you to exit at the conclusion of the service.

New to the area?

Find out how, where and when we worship. We hope to see you soon!
8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays