Mother’s Day Tributes 2021

We have compiled some Mother’s Day tributes from members whose mothers were or are members of MacArthur Blvd. We encourage you to read these sweet stories about the impact these moms have had on the faith of their families.

Arden Brooks by Jamie Brooks

My mom, Arden Brooks, is the mother of three sons—although I’d say she saved the best for last. During our teenage years, we periodically needed our dad to sit us down and remind us that she was a woman. This makes sense to boy moms. If it doesn’t make sense to you, ask a boy mom. I thank God for giving her the grace to embrace our boyness and the patience to shape us into godly men. I praise God that she is a woman who humbly and transparently shares her ongoing journey of faith in Him that I might know more fully just how miraculous and powerful a Savior Christ Jesus is. You’ll always be my favorite mom; I love you!

Angie Bunten by Aaron Bunten

Happy Mother’s Day Mom! Thank you for being such an amazing mother to me and Andrew and for being such an amazing “GiGi” to Tate and Briston. Thank you for always being there for us and always being at all of my practices and games and for being such an encouragement to me throughout my whole life. Thank you for being an example of what a Godly mother and wife should look like. You mean the world to me and our whole family, and we love you very much!

Sharon Daniels by Marissa Daniels

I am so incredibly blessed and honored to have Sharon Daniels as my mother. She has been the caretaker of me and my family, my biggest supporter, and one of my biggest role models. She is always putting other people’s needs above her own and has a love for Jesus that shines as a beacon of hope in a dark and lost world. She is a true Kingdom Woman and has been such a great example, showing me and other women what a godly womanhood looks like. She always lives on mission by serving and encouraging those in the body and sharing Jesus with the lost. As a young woman myself, I hope I can also embody these amazing characteristics. Mom, the words thank you are not enough to express my gratitude for all that you have done for me, Dad, Makayla, and many other people. Thank you, not just for what you have done for me, but also for what you have shown me. Your life has truly been a testimony as you have faithfully lived out the truth in word and deed. I ask other people to look to my mother’s example as she follows Jesus.

Proverbs 31: 29-31 “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all. Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates.” I love you Mom and Happy Mother’s Day!

Roxy Goss by Jenna Vaughn

My mother has impacted me in so many positive ways. Beginning with taking me to church, she showed me how important my relationship with God is. Watching her serve in the Children’s and Mother’s Day Out ministries helped fuel my desire to serve in those areas, as well. She also gave me a love for cooking and baking. She is amazing in the kitchen! And she adores her grandchildren. They are so blessed to have her as their Grammy. And I’m incredibly grateful she’s my mother. Happy Mother’s Day, Mama!

Cecile Leatherman by Libby Williams

Mom, you have always taught me by example not to be afraid to go the opposite direction of “the crowd”. You taught me to have strong convictions, and remember that I’ll stand before God in the end, and not any person. I’m so thankful for that! You have also passed on to me the “open door” hospitality policy that you got from your mother. There’s always room for one…or ten more at the table. I love you, Momma! Happy Mother’s Day!

Teresa Lovejoy by Carl Lovejoy

When I think about what it means to be the “hands and feet” of Christ, I think of my mom. She is humble, gentle, and unmoving in her faith. She has a deep love for the lost, especially the homeless. She has been a source of strength and comfort in my life. All those who come in contact with her are blessed.

Nelda Malone by Brian Malone

My Mom means so much to me – in every way that I can think of. She is so special to me. She takes care of my needs no matter what they are. Her faith in God shines every day and has brought me through so much. I think it is her faith that has carried me through hard times. I could never question the love that my mom has for me and the Lord. She is such a blessing to take care of me and to do so with such grace. I know this grace flows from her relationship with Christ, without that I think life would be so much more difficult. So, this Mother’s Day, I pray that my Mom has the best day!

Helen Mathena by Julie Davis

My mom loved the Lord and loved teaching, but she really loved teaching her kids and grandkids about her Savior. I pray I can pass this on to the next generations, too. 

Ann Medina by Lisa Evans

I am so thankful for my incredible mom, Ann Medina!!! She is such an amazing, Godly example and is the best prayer warrior I know!!! My mom is my go to person whenever I have a prayer request, and I so admire her faith and prayer life! As a single mom, she sacrificed and worked hard to raise me on her own and has been such a positive role model over the years. Thank you Mom…I love you so very much!!!  

Dawn Patterson by Brittany Bunten & Hailey Barnard

“I often wonder if I’m mommin’ right…then I think of my mom. I’m often reminded that we are image bearers, not only of Christ but a sliver of our upbringing. I am so thankful I can bear the image of my mom as I raise my own sons. 

She was firm, yet gentle.
She listened, but didn’t pry.
She set boundaries, yet allowed for endless fun.
She loved us beyond measure, then found a way to love others more.
She gave sacrificially, yet still gave us extravagant gifts.
Church was nonnegotiable. Awana verses were never a question.
She is the definition of humble & meek, yet fierce & protective. 

My momma-full of grace & grit-I pray God equips me to be the mom my boys need the same way He equipped my mom to be the mom I needed! She is a gem with many jewels in her crown someday!?”


“My mom has always encouraged me in my faith and pushed me towards Christ. She has a servant heart and a gentle, caring spirit. I am inspired by how well she loves her family and selflessly serves others. I am thankful that she is able to pour into my son each day and show him Christ’s love. Thank you for all that you do! Happy Mother’s Day!”


Pansy Shehee by Kurt Shehee

My mother is a gentle prayer warrior. As I get older, I recognize and appreciate the impact of her consistent prayer for my family. She models selflessness and concern for others better than anyone I know. She understands how to empathize, show compassion, bear one another’s burdens and encourage. Anytime I stop by to visit, there’s always a card on the mailbox, addressed to a church member, ready to get mailed out. I love how she considers others before herself. In this, she teaches me how to be patient, loving and selfless in my own family and with those around me. I love you mom.  Happy Mother’s Day.

Tessa Stearman by Jordan Johnston

My mom is there for me whenever I have nowhere else to turn. She is the reason my family went to church when I was growing up. It would have been easy for her to make excuses not to go, but she persisted in making sure church was important to us. She has the kind of faith that can move mountains. Whenever she has a friend in need, she is always first to volunteer. She is called many names by different people: wife, sister, daughter, friend, Nani, but I am truly blessed to call her mom. 

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Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays