Leading children to trust and follow Christ by equipping them to live
a life of worship, a life in community and a life on mission.
Register here for August 2024 – May 2025.
Awana is an international, Bible-centered children’s curriculum that focuses on Bible teaching, Scripture memorization, games and tons of fun. Awana is our primary venue to equip children to live on mission with God.
Awana is for children 3 years old through 5th grade and our program meets throughout the school year. Each group moves through their unique handbook together according to the provided schedules.
3 – 4 year olds: “Cubbies”
Young children can and should receive spiritual training from God’s Word. The church is equipping the home to be the primary place for spiritual training. Our Cubbies preschool program helps train children through FUN with a purpose – to lead kids to trust and follow Jesus Christ.
K – 2nd Grade: “Sparks”
Sparks club meetings continue to combine learning with fun to create an atmosphere of excitement as children begin learning longer passages from the Word of God. In addition to memory verses, the Sparks handbooks include some assignments for kids to complete at home with your support.
3rd – 5th Grade: “T&T”
By the time boys and girls complete their last T&T handbook, they will have encountered hundreds of Bible verses. The handbooks also train these maturing children how to continue reading and responding to God’s Word on their own through “Explore” activities.
Email Pastor Jamie at jbrooks@mbbcirving.org with any questions!