We hope to see you at our Semiannual Member Meeting on Sunday, August 25th, at 5:00 p.m. We encourage all of our members to attend, but you do not have to be a member to join us for this special evening. We will have a potluck dinner followed by the meeting.
Please bring one of the following according to your last name:
- A-J: Main dish (meat, casserole, etc.)
- K-R: Side dish (veggie or salad)
- S-Z: Dessert
Please bring items in disposable pans and already assembled (i.e., salad kits already prepared and mixed, not in the bag). The church will provide serving utensils and bread, so you do not need to bring serving spoons.
Childcare will be available for birth – PreK. Children will eat with their parents, and childcare will start after dinner.