Sermon Archives

A Heart Cry for Help

Psalm 28
Psalms - A Heart Cry to God
J. Josh Smith
September 25, 2016

Psalm 28 is divided into two main parts that if you read in isolation from each other, you may think were two completely different Psalms. Verses 1-5 paint a picture of desperation, demonstrating that David is in dire need of help. Verses 6-9 paint a picture of exaltation, demonstrating David’s hope in the Lord. The distance between verses 5 and 6 in your Bible is less than an inch but the distance between the emotions described in these two sections feels like miles. How did David make this transition from desperation to delight? Two key actions summarize what we must do in times of distress: remember and respond. We must remember the truths about who God is and then respond to the characteristics of God, living as if they are indeed true.

The Psalm summarizes three truth-response statements about God that we must embrace in our times of need. First, the Lord hears His people, so call upon Him. When we speak, God listens. Why would we not bring our every need to Him every day? Second, the Lord helps His people so trust in Him. He is our strength and shield, meaning nothing occurs in our lives apart from His permission. Finally, the Lord holds His people, so run to Him. As our Shepherd, the Lord not only leads us in the paths of righteousness, but carries us in times of distress. Where do you run when you need help?

Whenever we begin to feel desperate or afraid, it is because we have forgotten what comes after “The Lord is…” How do you need help today? What is bringing you anxiety, fear, or confusion? Do what David did: Remember and respond. Remember who the Lord is and respond by living as if God’s word is true.

Anxiety, Fear, Help, Protection

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays