Sermon Archives

A Place of Refuge

Joshua 20
Joshua: Seizing the Promises of God
Rickey Primrose
October 20, 2019

Bringing us this sermon titled “A Place of Refuge” in the series from Joshua, “Seizing the Promises of God,” Pastor Rickey will be focused on Joshua 20. Read through all of Chapter 20 this week in preparation for this sermon. The business of inheritance is nearly complete but there are some “finishing touches” to take care of. How do the cities of refuge help us to understand God’s idea of justice? Do the cities of refuge come across as both a refuge and a prison? Why is God so concerned about the sojourner? What does this chapter teach us about God? About mankind? How does this chapter lead you to praise God, repent of sin, and trust in his gracious promises?

Justice, Life, Mercy, Protection, Refuge

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays