Sermon Archives

Come Out with Your Hands Up!

Exodus 17
Transitions: There is Joy in the Journey
Richard Taylor
February 11, 2018

Life is full of various types of trials. Whenever we encounter obstacles in our lives, there are a few different ways we may choose to respond.

Clinch our fist in anger: We may respond by clenching our fist in anger—anger at God, at other people, or at ourselves. Merely getting mad at our situation will not change it and will ultimately lead to damaging our relationship with God and other people.

Wringing our hands in worry: Maybe we don't get angry, but we do get worried. Our minds become consumed with hypotheses and "What if's?" We become so worried about what might happen to us in the situation that we miss what God wants to do in us through the situation.

Fold our hands in idleness: We may respond by folding our arms in idleness and apathy. Sometimes we simply shut down, withdraw, and quit when challenges come at us. Rather than turn our face toward God, we drop our head toward the ground in defeat.

Raise our hands in praise: This is the response of one who knows the Lord and is confident in the victory that is theirs in Christ Jesus. What makes this type of response possible in the midst of trials? Praise is possible in trials when you are resting in the never-failing covenant love of God. It is in response to this love that Paul asked: "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?"

As recipients of God's covenant love in Christ, we can be confident that God is working all things together for good, according to the purpose He has for our lives. The ultimate end of God's purpose for us is making us into the image of Christ. God will use your trials to reveal Himself to you, to allow you to know Him more intimately, and to make you like Jesus. So, praise the Lord! When you encounter trials of any variety, come out with your hands up in praise to the Almighty. His is the power; therefore, the victory is yours!

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