Sermon Archives

Encountering Zacchaeus

Luke 19:1-10
The Gospel of Luke Part IV - Encountering Jesus
J. Josh Smith
June 5, 2016

The familiar story of Zacchaeus is not primarily about how a wee little man who wanted to see Jesus so badly that he climbed a sycamore tree. Rather, it is a story about a gracious God who seeks even the worst of sinners. We see in this story the model sinner, meeting the model Savior, and becoming the model saint. This story teaches us two truths about true salvation.

First, repentance is evidence of true salvation. Repentance is a change of mind that results in a change of life. Repentance is not just reforming your beliefs about Jesus; it is a response to the truths of the Gospel that results in a changed life. Genuine repentance is evidence that God is at work in one’s heart.

Second, this story shows us that Jesus is the initiator of true salvation. We will never seek God on our own; the only reason we love Him, trust Him, and obey Him is because of what He has done in our heart. It is true that those who seek God by faith will find Him; it is also true that those who seek God only do so because God first sought them.

As you continue to meditate on this story, remember these three words: listen, respond, and rejoice. When you begin to sense a desire for God or His kingdom, recognize that God is the One stirring that up within you. Listen to Him and respond to His promptings. When you recognize evidence of God’s grace in your life demonstrated in spiritual growth and a hunger for righteousness, praise the Lord! Rejoice in what He is accomplishing within you. There is no room to boast for those who are in Christ. We have nothing that we have not received. Only in Christ can we boast.

The familiar story of Zacchaeus is not primarily about how a wee little man who wanted to see Jesus so badly that he climbed a sycamore tree. Rather, it is a story about a gracious God who seeks even the worst of sinners. We see in this story the model sinner, meeting the model Savior, and becoming the model saint. This story teaches us two truths about true salvation.

First, repentance is evidence of true salvation. Repentance is a change of mind that results in a change of life. Repentance is not just reforming your beliefs about Jesus; it is a response to the truths of the Gospel that results in a changed life. Genuine repentance is evidence that God is at work in one’s heart.

Second, this story shows us that Jesus is the initiator of true salvation. We will never seek God on our own; the only reason we love Him, trust Him, and obey Him is because of what He has done in our heart. It is true that those who seek God by faith will find Him; it is also true that those who seek God only do so because God first sought them.

As you continue to meditate on this story, remember these three words: listen, respond, and rejoice. When you begin to sense a desire for God or His kingdom, recognize that God is the One stirring that up within you. Listen to Him and respond to His promptings. When you recognize evidence of God’s grace in your life demonstrated in spiritual growth and a hunger for righteousness, praise the Lord! Rejoice in what He is accomplishing within you. There is no room to boast for those who are in Christ. We have nothing that we have not received. Only in Christ can we boast.

Gospel, Humility, Relationship, Repentance, Salvation

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Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays