Sermon Archives

Faithful Stewardship

Matthew 24:14-30
MBBC Values
J. Josh Smith
March 30, 2014

Typically, when we think about stewardship, we only think in terms of our money. While money is one resource God has entrusted to us to manage, it certainly is not the only resource. What else in your life could be considered a ‘talent’ God has entrusted to you? In other words, what are the gifts (material and immaterial) God has given you in life for the purpose of stewarding? How does thinking of yourself as a ‘steward’ change the way you utilize these various gifts? It’s clear from this parable that a faithful steward is one who manages God’s resources in such a way that He receives back a return on His investment. What would it look like for God to receive a return on the time, money, relationships, spiritual gifts, talents, and influences He has given you? Pray that the Lord will reveal areas of unfaithful stewardship in our lives this Sunday as we seek to be a people who are ‘faithful stewards.’

Faithfulness, Finances, Giving, Greed, Sacrifice, Stewardship, Tithing

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays