Sermon Archives

Fulfilling the Assignment: Jesus Commissions Belivers

Matthew 28
2015 - Non-Series Sermons
Shawn Thrasher
December 27, 2015

We are entering into the season of New Year resolutions where people inevitably make goals, typically related to weight loss and exercise, to which they remain faithful for all of three weeks. There is something about a new year that brings a sense of renewed hope as we consider new possibilities for our lives. As you consider the various resolutions you may make for 2016, I encourage you to allow kingdom ambition to direct the goals you set for yourself in 2016. We are so quick to challenge ourselves in the areas of health and lifestyle, which are important areas, but are much less likely to challenge ourselves with kingdom goals. This past Sunday we were reminded that Christ has sent us out in His power, for His purposes, and has ensured us of His presence. If the ultimate goal of the Christian life is to love God and to love others, which is demonstrated through Gospel ministry, then this Great Commission should inform the resolutions we make for ourselves in 2016.

Resolve this year to declare the Gospel more consistently. Set measurable, realistic, and challenging goals for yourself. Resolve to engage that co-worker or family member relationally with the goal of communicating the Gospel to them this year. Ask God what resolutions He has for you this year. Make 2016 the year where you grow in your faithfulness to the mission God has given His children. Of all the New Year resolutions you could make for 2016, a resolution to grow in kingdom ministry is the one resolution that will likely have the most significance eternally.

Goals, Gospel, Growth

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Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays