Sermon Archives

Generational Faithfulness

Judges 2:6-10
We Will Tell
J. Josh Smith
February 21, 2016

I want to encourage you to embrace the vision of generational discipleship. God’s plan is not just for us to know Him, but also to make Him known to the next generation. The only way we will fulfill this plan is through generational diversity within the church. Generational diversity requires more than the older and younger generations merely getting along and tolerating one another. It requires the younger to humbly pursue the older generation and for the older generation to sacrificially invest into the lives of the younger. This type of generational diversity is difficult to achieve in the local church, but it is possible through the power of the Gospel!

If you are a part of the younger generation, find ways to honor the older generation in our church family. Pursue a relationship with them. Humbly go to them to seek their help, counsel, and support. Fight the temptation to only spend time with people your own age.

If you are a part of the older generation, remember that God is not done with you. Fight the temptation to “retire” from ministry in the church. Find ways to sacrificially invest in the younger generation. Graciously make yourself available to them, help them, and encourage them. Relate to them as spiritual children and grandchildren.

Regardless of your age, let us all “Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor” (Rom. 12:10). Be patient; love one another; put others ahead of yourself. When we show love for one another despite our many differences, we display the glory of Christ’s Gospel to the world around us. This is a vision worth pursuing!

Discipleship, Faithfulness, Family, Fellowship, Relationship, Unity

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Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays