Sermon Archives

God Provides

1 Kings 17
Truth for Transition
Rickey Primrose
December 3, 2017

Life is full of change. Of all the people in the world, the people of God should cope with change best because we know the One who does not change. What you believe about God will determine how well you handle change. The goal of this new sermon series—Truth for Transition—is to tether our hearts to the truths of God’s word so that they will remain stable when the waves of change hit our lives. Each truth we look at in this series will come from the life of Elijah, and the first truth is this: When we walk through transition, God provides.

There is a clear three-part pattern that runs throughout the three scenes in Elijah’s story in 1 Kings 17: (1) God’s word comes, (2) God’s word is obeyed, and (3) God’s word provides. The main point the author wants to make in this story, which is set up as a showdown between the Lord and Baal, is that the Lord is the true source of provision for those who trust His word.


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Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays