Sermon Archives

Heart Cry for Perspective

Psalm 39
Psalms - A Heart Cry to God
J. Josh Smith
November 20, 2016

Once we see life from God’s perspective, we see that our life is a vapor. We are in this world only for a moment. Once we recognize the brevity of life, we realize that all the “stuff” of life doesn’t really matter at all in light of eternity. Those who cling to the realities of this life are holding onto a shadow but missing the substance. Life is meaningless if this life is all there is. However, for the people of God, our hope is solid. God is the “substance” to whom the people of God cling; He is our hope. He is the organizing center of all of life; the One around whom everything makes sense. In His grace, God will discipline us by taking away the things we hold onto in this world that keep us from holding onto Him. He does this because He loves us and knows that the things we cling to in life are meaningless shadows. God makes sense of life when life doesn’t make sense.

Depression, Endurance, Hope, Trials

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays