Sermon Archives

Heart Cry of Thanksgiving

Psalm 30
Psalms - A Heart Cry to God
J. Josh Smith
October 2, 2016

God often humbles us with momentary grief so He might exalt us with eternal gladness. Not every affliction in your life is the result of God’s discipline, but God does discipline His children. He does this at times because of sin in our lives; other times God disciplines us proactively to produce Christ-like character within us. The discipline of our Good Father is not intended to crush us but ultimately to exalt us. We must be brought low before we can be raised high. God has the ability to refine our hearts in the midst of discipline and put us on a trajectory toward eternal gladness. He uses discipline to move us closer toward His predetermined plan for our lives—conformity to the image of Christ. For this reason, we must give thanks for the grief and the gladness in life. The people of God can give thanks in the midst of affliction because they know that their affliction is only momentary and is producing within them eternal gladness.

As the people of God, we do not merely thank God for what we have; we thank Him for Who we have. What we have can be taken away, but nothing can separate us from the One to whom we have been united. Praise the Lord with thanksgiving!

Thankfulness, Thanksgiving

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays