Sermon Archives

Hungry for God

John 7:37-38
2015 - Non-Series Sermons
Fred Hartley
January 4, 2015

Take time to pause right now in the middle of a busy week and ask yourself the following question: How hungry are you for God? Please notice that I did not ask you: How often do you attend church, or, how many religious duties do you fulfill each week? The question is: How hungry are you for God? Hunger for God is the foundational kingdom principle. Hunger for Him drives all other kingdom work, and lacking hunger for Him will hinder all kingdom work. Church health, spiritual growth, parenting, marriage, evangelism, and every other aspect of life in which we want to thrive, succeed or fail based upon hunger for God or lack thereof. Even if you are doing all the right things externally, if you do not have a hunger for God, you are merely an empty shell going through the motions. How hungry are you for God?

The good news is that the offer to feast upon Christ is universal. Jesus says in John 7:37, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.” Ordained pastors have no greater access to Christ than does a man who came to know Christ yesterday. Whether you’ve been in church for years or not, Christ has given you an open invitation to come and feed on Him. So, if you’ve seen your spiritual appetite wane over the years, then begin this week accepting the invitation to come and feed on Him.

How can a Christian regain his or her hunger for God? Here are a few thoughts:

First, internalize His word. Discipline yourself to engage Christ every day in His word. When you read your Bible, don’t just go through the motions mindlessly. Begin by asking God to speak and to give you ears to hear. Don’t go to God’s word merely for information; go to His word to meet with Christ. Allow His word to transform you.

Second, do His will. Ask God to reveal to you any area of your life where you are outside of His will. As He answers this prayer, repent of these areas. As you begin surrendering every area of your life to God, your hunger for God will flourish.

Third, cut out the junk food. Our hunger for God is often squelched by our hunger for the things of this world. These “things” may or may not be inherently bad, but whenever they displace Christ as the chief desire of our heart, they will ruin our spiritual appetite. It could be work, a hobby, technology, entertainment, sports, children, and even ministry. What do you crave more than God? Identify aspects of life that are curbing your appetite for God and address them.

Finally, ask God for spiritual hunger. Begin this week asking God to restore your hunger for Him. Every day pray for a renewed hunger for God in your own life, in the lives of your children and spouse, and in the life of our church.

The only way you will see God’s kingdom advanced in your life and in your home, the only way we will see God’s kingdom advanced in our community, is if we all develop a tenacious hunger for God. Success will not depend upon a new program, strategy, book, or initiative. It will depend upon hunger. Do you hunger for God?

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