Sermon Archives

Ministry of Disciple-Making

Luke 5:1-11
The Gospel of Luke Part II - The Ministry of Jesus
J. Josh Smith
May 24, 2015

To what can we compare the kingdom of God? The kingdom of God is like… a mustard seed? While this does seem like an odd analogy, the parable of the mustard seed provides an important kingdom principle: In the kingdom of God, great things always come from small things. While a mustard seed appears insignificant in the farmer’s hand, once planted in the ground, it grows into a large tree big enough for birds to build nests. Central to Jesus’ earthly ministry was His ministry of disciple-making. Disciple-making is mustard seed ministry. Even after Jesus Himself engaged in this ministry for three years, he left only a prayer gathering of about 120 people. While these disciples did not appear spectacular, the mustard seeds that Jesus planted would take root and turn the world upside down. If we are to continue the ministry of Jesus, we must be engaged in the continual process of making disciples. While this ministry can become mundane and appear trivial, we must be careful never to underestimate what God can do with a kingdom disciple. So, how do we build kingdom disciples?

First, you must invite people into the kingdom of God. “Discipleship” does not merely refer to taking existing believers deeper in their faith. Discipleship begins with inviting those outside the kingdom to come into the kingdom of God. A disciple is a follower of Christ. Therefore, to make a disciple, you must first call someone to follow Christ, and then teach them how to follow Christ. This entire process is discipleship, and it begins with inviting. There is no reaping without sowing. A mustard seed can become something great, but only if the farmer takes it out of his pocket and sows it in the ground.

Second, you must show people the work of the kingdom. After you lead somebody to trust Christ, you must begin showing them—not just teaching—the way and the work of the kingdom of God. The kingdom is always better caught than it is taught. This applies to disciplining a new believer as well as making disciples in your own home. Are you modeling the kingdom? What you display will speak much louder than what you say.

Third, you must teach people the way of the kingdom. The kingdom of God is counter-cultural and counter-intuitive. Kingdom instruction is essential. Do you understand the way of the kingdom to teach it to others, and are you engaged in kingdom instruction?

Finally, you must send people out to advance the kingdom. Kingdom disciples are multiplying disciples. This is the manner by which the kingdom of God grows: One kingdom disciple reproducing another kingdom disciple who reproduces other kingdom disciples. Once this disciple-making movement is unleashed, that seemingly insignificant mustard seed you sowed when you invited and invested in that single individual grows into a spiritual legacy that will impact the world in ways we will never know. Never underestimate what Christ can do with a single kingdom disciple!

So, what mustard seed ministry are you doing right now? If you are not making kingdom disciples, then you are not engaged in a central aspect of kingdom work. We will one day give an account before the judgment seat of Christ. How much of your work will be burned up? Find somebody with whom you can begin the ministry of disciple-making. You cast the net and let our Lord move the fish.

Discipleship, Evangelism, Gospel, Parables

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays