Sermon Archives

Moving from Bitter to Better!

Exodus 15
Transitions: There is Joy in the Journey
Richard Taylor
January 28, 2018

The greatest enemy to great is good. God wants to do great things in us and through us. We cannot be satisfied with simply living a good life or being a good church; we must be ambitious to seize the great purposes God has for us. Exodus 15 provides five imperatives to seize God's great purposes.

We must walk by faith and not fear change. We must be willing to take risks, try new approaches, and adapt to new situations.

We must prioritize prayer. It is when we come to the end of ourselves that God displays His power. True greatness is achieved on our knees.

We must make sure everything we do is about Him. We cannot make our church, our marriage, or our life ultimately about us. We must make God's will and name our focus and primary ambition. It's not about us, but Him.

We must fully rely on the Holy Spirit to be successful. We cannot fear or ignore the third person of the Trinity. He is our source of power. We must rely on Him.

We cannot be content with good when great is attainable. God does not want you to have a good life. He doesn't even want you to have a great life. God wants you to experience eternal life. Eternality does not primarily refer to a duration of time but a quality of life. Jesus is the life. Knowing God through Christ is true life as God intended it to be.

Healing, Obedience, Worship

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays