Sermon Archives

Our Irrevocable Inheritance

Joshua 13-19
Joshua: Seizing the Promises of God
Rickey Primrose
October 13, 2019

This week's sermon from Joshua chapters 13-19 begins a new chapter in Israel’s life. The word “inheritance” appeared just once in the first twelve chapters. It appears over fifty times from Chapter 13 through the rest of the book. Read through Chapter 14 in preparation for this sermon. Chapter 14 provides a small snapshot, or example, of the rest of the chapters in this section. Where do you see inheritance discussed or mentioned in Chapter 14? Does the inheritance of the Levites seem unfair? Does the inheritance of Caleb seem unfair? In seeing Christ throughout the Scriptures, what is our future inheritance in Christ? How does this passage lead you to praise God, repent of sin, and trust in his gracious promises?

Hope, Kingdom, Inheritance

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays