Sermon Archives

Prayer: The Heart Cry for God

Matthew 6:5-9
Prayer Sub Series
J. Josh Smith
September 15, 2013

What is the point of prayer? What is it that motivates you to pray? In our passage for this Sunday, Jesus is going to expose two wrong motivations for prayer and demonstrate the point of prayer. Our Lead Pastor will be back in the pulpit this Sunday as we continue through the Sermon on the Mount and examine Matthew 6:5-9.

The Pharisees only prayed publicly because they merely wanted to be seen by others. The prayers of the Gentiles centered on what they wanted from God, demonstrating that they wanted what God could provide rather than God Himself. So what is the point of prayer? It is a heart cry for God. Jesus uses “Father” four times in these five verses. It’s clear that our relationship with God is key to our prayer life. Our prayer life is not about being seen by others or even primarily about getting our needs met; it is about investing in our relationship with God so that we may know Him more intimately.

Prayer, Relationship, Worship

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays