Sermon Archives

How Long, O Lord?

Psalm 13
Psalms - A Heart Cry to God
J. Josh Smith
August 14, 2016

Whenever we read the Psalms of lament in the Bible, we often find ourselves wondering: Did he just say that? Can you image if somebody in your community group expressed their emotions as freely as David does in Psalm 13? For whatever reason, we have been taught not only to suppress our emotions, but that expressing how we feel to God is irreverent. The truth, however, is that we have been created in the image of an emotional God. Psalms give us what the modern church often does not: the freedom to express how we feel. The Psalms invite us to express our emotions to God honestly, as well as what our hearts want from Him. It is true that lament Psalms always conclude with confidence and resolve, but we cannot skip the process of expressing how we really feel and what we really want because we think doing so is irreverent. Every relationship requires honest communication in order to flourish.

Do you feel the freedom to express your emotions to God? Spend time going through the process laid out in Psalm 13. When you are angry, afraid, worried, or feeling any other emotion, tell God how you feel, express your heart’s desire to Him, and then reaffirm your confidence in Him. If expressing your emotions to God is not something you have ever done before, this will take time, but it will deepen your relationship with God. You need to talk to God, and He wants to listen.

Confidence, Emotion, Feelings, Helplessness, Love

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays