Sermon Archives

Heart Cry for Perseverence

Psalm 17
Psalms - A Heart Cry to God
J. Josh Smith
August 28, 2016

Trials are a fact of life. Trials are fewer and less severe in some seasons of life while in others they are relentless and overbearing; nevertheless, we will always face trials in this world. In Psalm 17 we find David in the midst of a trial that continues to persist, and we also see his persevering faith in spite of the trial. A life of persistent trials demands a life of persevering faith. Trials can build character within us, but they also tempt us to drift away from the faith. Trials have a way of revealing the true people of God, separating the true children of God from those whose profession of faith has no genuine root. Persistent trials demand persevering faith.

The secret to the Christian life is that there is no secret. We are all looking for that hidden key that unlocks immediate Christ-likeness and true spirituality. The fact of the matter is that discipleship is simply a long journey in the same direction. Christ-like character is built one step at a time as we continue to walk the hard path marked by trial and tribulation. This journey demands persevering prayer. Even when God doesn’t seem to answer our prayers, we keep praying because we don’t just need help, we need Him. This journey demands preserving holiness. Since trials entice us to abandon the paths of righteousness, we must take extra measures to guard the purity of our hearts. This includes leaning into our Christian community within the church rather than isolating ourselves. The journey demands persevering confidence in the character of God. Be confident that those who persevere will ultimately receive vindication and will be satisfied with God’s presence. It is the satisfying presence of the Lord that makes the long journey of discipleship not only bearable but also worth the trip.

Encouragement, Faith, Perseverance, Trials, Trust

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays