Sermon Archives

Sing to God Our Refuge

Psalm 46
Psalms - Songs of the People
J. Josh Smith
October 29, 2017

Did you know that the most common command in the Scriptures is these words, “Fear not”? That tells us something about life. We feared many things as a kid, and we looked forward to the day when we would be grown and fearless. That did not happen. Fear continues to be a reality in our everyday lives: the fear of an upcoming job evaluation, of the health of our elderly parents or kids, of not getting into that school we always wanted to attend or underperforming in the interview to our dream job, of offending someone that we need to speak the gospel truth to, of not doing enough for our children and raising them to be walking humbly with the Lord, of failing to live up to the expectations of people, and the list goes on.

Fear not. The Lord says, “Fear not.” Stop everything that you are doing and remember who He is and the things that He does. His protection makes us courageous. His presence makes us glad. And His position makes us rest. A protection is only as good as a refuge is strong, and our God is the strongest. This God, mighty and strong, is for us and not against us. This is illustrated by the fact that a man on his knees is stronger than 185,000 well-trained Assyrian soldiers. Remember whom you worship. Remember what He’s like. Remember that He is for you and not against you.

Fear, Refuge, Sing

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays