Sermon Archives

The Blessing Greater Than Marriage

John 4, Luke 14 & Matthew 12
Extending Eden
Rickey Primrose
August 16, 2015

The truth is that singleness is not an obstacle to be overcome in your life but an opportunity to be stewarded for the kingdom of God. Since Jesus is the only source of ultimate contentment, singleness does not keep you from contentment. Since the kingdom is God’s primary purpose in the world, singleness does not keep you from purpose. Since the church is the family of God for all who know Jesus, singleness does not even keep you from family. Do not allow the enemy to convince you that singleness is keeping you from all the blessings God has for you.

If you are a single adult, be careful not to become so consumed with your singleness and pursuit of what you do not have that you are rendered ineffective for the kingdom. Recognize that as an unmarried Christian, you have an amazing opportunity to be even more involved in the purpose that God is most ambitious for: kingdom advancement. Be careful not to look to any human relationship or circumstance to provide for you things that only Jesus can provide: contentment, purpose, and family.

If you are married, be careful not to allow your family to become an idol in your life. Recognize that your family exists for the mission of God. It is a means to a greater end. Make the kingdom the highest priority in your home. Make sure that you are stewarding your time, money, and family for the kingdom. We need homes that are driven by the mission of God rather than the activities and desires of children.

Church family, let’s be diligent to treat each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. We are a family. We must open our lives up to all our brothers and sisters in the church regardless of marital status. We must be careful to demonstrate hospitality to our single adults, having them in our homes, and including them in our lives. Let’s make the family of God a priority in our lives.

Marriage, Relationship, Single

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays