Sermon Archives

The Determination to Follow

Luke 9:51-62
The Gospel of Luke Part V - Following Jesus
Rickey Primrose
July 17, 2016

It is true that Jesus always lived absolutely free from sinful anxiety, fear, and worry that so often plague our lives today. He was, however, a man of incredible determination. He went many different directions physically during His earthly ministry, but spiritually He always faced the same direction—the purpose God had given Him. He was determined to accomplish the Father’s purpose; He would not be stopped or distracted. The call to follow Jesus is a call to embrace His determination to fulfill the purposes of God for our life. We must embrace the resolve and focus of Christ.

The world, however, is filled with distractions. The three disciples in Luke 9:57-62 provide three potential distractions of this world. Our POSSESSIONS threaten to distract us from the purpose of God when we stop living as strangers in a foreign land and start living as if this is our home. When we become consumed with a desire for more possessions in this life, we lose our focus on stewarding our possessions for the kingdom. Our earthly PRIORITIES (e.g. work, family, etc.), as legitimate as they are, can also distract us from our highest priority—the kingdom of God. Sinful behaviors, attitudes, unresolved conflict, and guilt from our PAST can also distract us from God’s purpose for our lives today. If we constantly look back to our past, we are not useful for the kingdom today.

What is distracting you in life right now? Identify distractions in your life, confess them, and repent from them. Create an action plan of changes you need to make in life to address the distractions God has revealed in your life. Let’s deal with the distractions of the world and embrace the determination of Christ!

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