Sermon Archives

The Ministry to Follow

Luke 10:1-16
The Gospel of Luke Part V - Following Jesus
Shawn Thrasher
July 24, 2016

Jesus was a man on mission. His life was marked by a willingness to engage in the mission the Father had given Him. It was a mission to declare and display the kingdom of God in the world. Luke 10:1-16 shows us that the call to follow Jesus is a call to embrace His mission. Missions is not merely something disciples do; being missional is a part of who disciples are in Christ. As a Christian, you exist as an ambassador for the King. What is required to embrace the mission of Christ? To embrace His mission you must embrace His motivation, mindset, and message. Christ was motivated by compassion, He had a mindset of urgency, and He proclaimed a message that would be rejected by many.

Does your life possess these three marks of a missional disciple? Do you feel a genuine compassion for the lost? Does your life demonstrate urgency in accomplishing the mission or is it rather marked by complacency and distractions? Do you proclaim the true and complete Gospel message, knowing that many will reject it? As ambassadors of the King, lets make sure we have fully embraced the mission He has set before us.

Discipleship, Ministry

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays