Sermon Archives

The Mission of Christ

Matthew 28:18-20
How the Church Works
J. Josh Smith
February 1, 2015

Whenever a team of people are supposed to be working together to accomplish a common goal—whether the team is playing a sport, running a business, or participating in a church, there are at least two ingredients necessary for the team to work properly: (1) All team members must understand what they are supposed to be doing (clarity), and (2) they must all be doing the same thing (unity). The church is diverse; we have different gifts, different ethnicities, different personalities, and different economic backgrounds. Yet despite our diversity, Christ has ordered us to work together to accomplish His mission. The question, then, is this: In light of all the diversity in the church, how can we make sure we are all doing the same work? By going back to the Great Commission in Matthew 28:18-20, we can see three necessary ingredients church members must have in order to assure they are all doing the same work.

First, we all must have the same LORD. The basis of the Great Commission is Jesus’ supreme authority, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” The first way we all can make sure we are doing the same work is by making sure we all are taking orders from the same Lord. Nobody in the church has the right merely to do whatever he or she wants to do. All authority has not been given to us; therefore, we do not get to set the agenda. Despite our diversity, we all have the same Lord, and therefore, we are all receiving the same command.

Second, we all must have the same FOCUS. “Go therefore and make disciples,” is a pretty simple command, right? Well, it’s only simple if, (A) you know what a disciple is, and (B) you know how to make one. Having an accurate understanding of disciple-making is incredibly important because this is THE mission of the church. At MBBC, our paraphrase of the Great Commission is leading people to trust and follow Christ. Both parts of this mission are incredibly important. Our work begins with leading people to trust in Christ initially through the faithful proclamation of the Gospel. However, the mission does not end there. After we lead people to trust Christ, the other half of the mission is to lead them to follow Christ. This is the life-long process of discipleship in which we lead people to observe all that Christ commanded, moving them toward Christ-likeness. We must be engaged in both parts of the command.

When you become so familiar with a task, analyzing it inside and out, it is easy to overlook some of the obvious features of the task. In the midst of all of the activities, programs, ministries, and initiatives of MBBC, it is easy to overlook the simple fact that the FOCUS of Jesus’ mission is people. His ministry and our mission are all about leading people to trust and follow Christ.

Finally, we all must have the same CONFIDENCE. Making disciples of every nation is a massive task. Fortunately, the promise of Christ is equal to the mission He gives. “I am with you always, to the end of the age.” His presence is our promise.

The church only works when every member is committed to the same work. Unless we are all working together toward the same goal, the church will not work. We must be willing to lay down our own agendas, preferences, and desires and take up the agenda that Jesus has for the church. Remember, people are the work. Ask yourself this question: Whom am I leading to trust and follow Christ? The question is not how much do I know or how busy do I stay. The question is whom am I leading. Let’s be about the same work; let’s be about Christ’s work. This year, this week, this day, let’s be all about people.

Community, Kingdom, Ministry, Mission, Unity, Worship

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Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays