Sermon Archives

The Odyssey of Jonah

Jonah 1:1-3
2016 - Non-Series Sermons
Richard Taylor
June 26, 2016

What do you do when God gives you an assignment that you do not want to obey? This is exactly what happens to the prophet Jonah. God calls Jonah to offer salvation to a people-group that he hates, and instead of obeying God’s call, Jonah flees from the presence of the Lord. The truth is that we all have “those people” in our lives we do not like. When we discriminate in our Gospel proclamation, choosing for ourselves who is worthy of Jesus, we not only disregard the abundant grace God has shown us but we actually put ourselves in the place of God Himself.

There will always be consequences when we choose to disobey God. Even the smallest degree of disobedience can lead to a downward spiral in your life. Sin will take you further than you intended to go, keep you longer than you intended to stay, and cost you more than you intended to pay. The good news is that the Lord is a God of another chance. He is able and willing to use those with the ugliest past for His purposes today.

What is your response to the “those people” in your life? Resolve to put your ‘yes’ on the table and to walk obediently as an ambassador of Christ. Every single child of God has a redemption story; make sure you are stewarding your redemption story for kingdom purposes!

Obedience, Repentance, Selfishness

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays