Sermon Archives

The One Who Hears God Speak

1 Samuel 3
2017 - Non-Series Sermons
Rickey Primrose
April 30, 2017

Knowing God is more than simply learning more about Him. To know God is to have an encounter with God, where you experience Him personally. God has revealed Himself to us, not so that we can merely learn about Him, but to lead us into a personal relationship with Him. Growing up around the things of God is a tremendous blessing, but familiarity does pose a danger. Familiarity with the things of God can lead Christians to become satisfied with engaging in Christian activity just so that their consciences are clean and their reputation in the church is secure. We must never be satisfied, however, with anything less than the presence of God Himself. Our ultimate desire in the Christian life must always be to know God intimately and personally. God will make Himself known to those who want to know Him.

If you are certain that you know God, how long has it been since you’ve known Him? How long has it been since you’ve encountered His presence and heard Him speak to you? Just like in marriage, our intimacy with God can wane even though the relationship is still intact. Sunday’s message was not a call to de-prioritize any of the spiritual disciplines of the Christian life. It was simply a call to remember the ‘why’ behind our Christian activity, which is to encounter the living God, delighting in His presence. I encourage you this week to begin praying that God would increase within you deeper affections for Him and an increased desire for His presence. When you read your Bible this week, make sure you approach that time with a desire to encounter God through the text. As you grow in your desire for God, He will, over time, allow you to know Him more intimately. Remember, He wants deeper intimacy with you. The only question is: Do you want Him?


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Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays