Sermon Archives

The Rich Fool

Luke 12:13-21
The Gospel of Luke Part III - The Teaching of Jesus
J. Josh Smith
October 11, 2015

A covetous heart will make you eternally poor. I am not sure why this is the case, but for whatever reason, Christians often treat covetousness as an insignificant, secondary sin, but Jesus sees this sin as incredibly dangerous. Given the culture where we live, the false gospels that are heralded around us, and the carnal desires of our flesh, we must take an aggressive posture in guarding against all forms of covetousness. Regardless of how much you make, this sin is always a very real danger.

I encourage you to respond in a couple different ways to Sunday’s message. First, the ultimate solution to greed is seeing Jesus for who He is. When the eyes of our hearts truly see the all-sufficiency of Jesus Christ, the things of this world will become much less appealing to us. The first response to this message is to pursue Christ more diligently. Ask God to open your eyes to the beauty of Christ. Ask God to give you a faith that truly believes that Jesus is “the life.”

Second, I encourage you to set aside a substantial amount of time this week to examine your heart for all forms of covetousness. Begin by asking God to show you areas of greed in your life. I encourage you to journal what the Lord reveals. Consider the different ways covetousness is revealed: your desires, comparisons, spending, hoarding, etc. Honestly ask yourself whether you are living for the kingdom or for this life. Finally—and this last step is perhaps the most important, so do not skip it—as God reveals areas of covetousness in your life, consider what repentance looks like for you. What changes do you need to make in order to better guard your heart against greed?

Be aggressive this week in waging war against covetousness. Believe that Jesus is “the life” and surrender everything to Him! You will not be disappointed.

Coveting, Giving, Greed, Worship

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays