Sermon Archives

The War

2 Peter 3:1-18
2014 - Non-Series Sermons
Jared Allen
October 19, 2014

Every day there are reports of massive battles and gross injustices taking place in Iraq, Syria, and Turkey, along with growing unrest in Israel/Palestine, Iran, Lebanon, Yemen and others. Hundreds of thousands of refugees have been displaced or worse. As western Christians it can be difficult to understand the real issues and the root problems that have turned the eyes of the world to the Middle East. The biggest question, however, is how should we respond and what can we do to exalt Christ and advance His kingdom in a world that is growing more volatile and morally debilitating with each passing day. The truth remains that, as the world grows more ripe with the fruit of the enemy so our responsibility as Christ-followers to the world grows and should not diminish. We
must ask the Father: “What is our role in the war?”

Anxiety, Mission, Worship

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays