Sermon Archives

The War on Sin - Part 2 - (Joshua)

Joshua 7
Joshua: Seizing the Promises of God
Rickey Primrose
June 30, 2019

The series through the book of Joshua called, “Seizing the Promises of God” continues with part two of Joshua 7 titled, “The War on Sin.” We saw last week how hidden sin leads to an aftermath of destruction. This week we want to ask the question: How can we wage war on sin to prevent this destruction in our lives and in the lives of those around us? Reread Joshua 7 this week and observe how the Israelites made war with sin in the camp. Reflect on what we as a church can learn from Israel in dealing with our own sin. Where does the battle of sin occur? What responsibility do we have in fighting our sin? What role does community play in the war against sin? Humble yourself before God in prayer this week for him to reveal to us our sin and give us the focus to wage war on it.

Repentance, Sin, Confession

8001 Mustang Drive, Irving, TX 75063
Mon-Thurs: 9:00am - 4:00pm Closed Fridays