Respond to Sunday, March 3
“A People, Not Persons” – Ephesians 4:1-16
Truth: Conversion creates a distinct people and not dignified persons. God is creating a people. God’s plan from the beginning was not to simply create moral and dignified persons, or individuals, and spread them through the earth to represent his name among the nations. God’s plan from the beginning was to create a people, not individual persons, for his name.
Response: When others think of our church, do they think of it as a group or as individuals? How is our church distinct in our culture and community? Do we, as a church, look distinct and different from our culture? Prayerfully consider how you need to think of conversion more corporately rather than only individualistically.
Truth: Conversion creates a distinctively unified people. We aren’t commanded to create, or manufacture, unity within ourselves. Christ purchased our unity and made us one through the blood of the cross. We are called to preserve, maintain, and protect the unity that has been given to us through humility, gentleness, patience, and love. Our unity displays the power of the gospel.
Response: Are you doing everything in your power to preserve the unity of this church family? Walking in humility? Putting the interests of others before yourself? How can you better promote unity in the relationships you have? Take the initiative to pursue a brother or sister you have offended and seek forgiveness today to strengthen the unity of our church. Be eager to protect the unity of your gospel family.
Truth: Conversion creates a distinctively committed people. The people of the church are committed not to themselves but to one another. You are brought into a family where there is to be mutual commitment one to another because of what God has done for us in the gospel of Christ. It is the responsibility of every member of the body to engage in ministry so that other members might be built up.
Response: Have you formally committed in membership to partner with this church? If not, consider signing up for our next Membership Class. Do you show your commitment by faithfully gathering with the people of God on a consistent basis? Do you show your commitment by encouraging and pursuing your brothers and sisters in Christ? Do you show your commitment by stewarding your time, spiritual gifts, and financial resources for this local body of Christ?
Family Response
Truth: If God was interested in changing us into good people, church might just be a good place that good people should go to feel good. But God didn’t send His Son Jesus to make us good, He sent His Son Jesus to make us completely new. Church is gathering with other new people to live out our new lives in Jesus together. Church is more than the building we meet together in a few times a week. Church is the new family created by the Gospel in our lives.
Response: Understanding God’s corporate or familial purposes for the Gospel through the local church helps children develop a right view of a believer’s partnership with the church, a believer’s need for the church, and the church’s need for each believer. Children who grow up hearing, seeing, and experiencing their parents and their leaders actively caring for one another according to God’s design learn that the church is an essential environment in the believer’s life, not an optional activity. They witness the reality of the Gospel through its work in the diversity of people gathering together to worship the one, true God. Talk frequently about how God is using you in the lives of others and using others in your life.
Prepare for Sunday, March 10
Pray for the Church
- Leaders in worship: Pastor Rickey Primrose, Brandon Ramey & the Worship Ministry.
- God will meet with us through His word and by His Spirit, lead us to worship Christ and grow in Christ-likeness.
- God will help us to be a church of zeal and hope, passionate about ministry and confident in His promises.
- God will make us more passionate about and obedient to His mission of leading people to trust and follow Christ
Prepare for the Message
A People, Not Persons (Part 2) | Ephesians 4:17-32 – Pastor Rickey Primrose
This Sunday we continue looking at the implications of conversion for the corporate life of the church in part two of, “A People, Not Persons.” In part one we looked at two ways the people of God are distinct from this world. Last week we discussed how conversion creates a distinctively unified people and a distinctively committed people. We will see two more ways we are distinct this week. In preparation for this Sunday, read through Ephesians 4:17-32. What marks of conversion in corporate life do you find in this passage? What themes does Paul develop in this passage? Pray this week that our church will continue to be marked by unity with and commitment for each other.
Music for Sunday
You Are Good
by Israel Houghton
Hallelujah For The Cross