Respond to Sunday, June 2, 2019
“Removing Our Shame” Joshua 5:1-12 | Pastor Rickey Primrose
Truth: Jesus removes our shame so we can enjoy a new life. Shame is one of Satan’s most powerful weapons. Shame is a powerful force that will destroy our intimacy with God and with other people. Jesus is the greater Joshua, who removes our shame not by cutting off parts of the flesh, as in the circumcision in Israel, but by cutting off our old life, removing a dead and stubborn heart, and giving us a new heart that is surrendered to God. Jesus removes our shame and gives us a new life, a fresh start so that we can feast on the abundance of God’s blessing in Him.
Response: What causes you to attempt to hide from God? When do you feel shame in God’s presence? Ask the Holy Spirit to point out areas in your life where you need to trade condemnation and shame for Jesus’ mercy.,
Truth: We can live without shame when we receive Jesus’ removal of our shame. We have all sinned and suffer the shame that sin brings. Only Jesus can remove the shame that sin causes in our lives. Many people attempt to cover their shame by worldly means. But we cannot cover our own shame. Jesus and Jesus alone can remove our shame. He removed our shame by taking our shame on Himself.
Response: Have you received Jesus’ removal of your shame by faith and repentance? Have you trusted that his death was enough to cover the shame of your sin and entrusted your life to him? Are you now following him wherever he leads? Thank God in prayer for the removal of your shame by Christ.
Truth: We can live without shame when we rest in Jesus’ removal of our shame. Christians still struggle with feeling ashamed of themselves, even when they don’t have to. The shame we feel about ourselves keeps us from enjoying the blessings of joy, peace, security, and courage found in Christ. The enemy uses past sins, present struggles, and sins committed against us to keep us feeling ashamed.
Response: Allow the Gospel of Jesus Christ to heal your shame. Don’t allow Satan to rob you of the rest that is yours, the security that is yours in Christ. Rest in Jesus’ removal of your shame. Pray and invite Jesus to free you and heal you from shame.
Family Response
Truth: First, the Lord freed the Israelites from the rule of Egypt’s oppression (Exodus 14:30). Then, the Lord freed them from the shame of Egypt’s oppression (Joshua 5:9). In the presence of the Lord, Isaiah was overwhelmed with the nature of his sin and the shame of his sin. The Lord atoned for Isaiah’s sin and removed his shame (Isaiah 6:5-7). Through Jesus Christ, God has provided the one way for each of us to be freed from the penalty of our sin—death—and the shame of our sin—condemnation (Romans 8:1-17).
Response: Were your kids left wondering who Pepe le Pew is? Have some fun and watch “Past Perfumance” to see Pepe in pursuit. You can watch the entire episode on YouTube or just a clip of him painting his stripe.
Response: When we get frustrated as parents, it’s easy to fall into the trap of wielding the weapon of shame instead of administering the discipline of correction. So how do you know if you’re shaming or correcting? Here are a few questions I can ask myself. Am I acting in anger or control? Is my goal humiliation or instruction? Does my son, does my daughter seem embarrassed or repentant? Does he or she only know that I’m disappointed, or does he also know what he should do next time?
Prepare for Sunday, June 9, 2019
Pray for the Church
- Leaders in worship: Pastor Rickey Primrose, Brandon Ramey & the Worship Music Ministry.
- God will meet with us through His word and by His Spirit, lead us to worship Christ and grow in Christ-likeness.
- God will help us to be a church of zeal and hope, passionate about ministry and confident in His promises.
- God will make us more passionate about and obedient to His mission of leading people to trust and follow Christ.
Prepare for the Message
“Getting Ready to Work” Joshua 5:13-15 | Pastor Rickey Primrose
We continue our series through the book of Joshua called, “Seizing the Promises of God.” This week we will be looking at Joshua chapter 5:13-15 with a sermon titled, “Getting Ready to Work.” Read all of Joshua chapter 5 for the full context of verses 13-15 this week. In this text Joshua is walking around Jericho, sizing up the enemy, and strategizing his plan of attack. Joshua is ready to get to work. What does the commander of the Lord’s army tell him to do? What point is God making to Joshua and us through this request? How does this request prepare Joshua for the next step? How can you apply this direction to Joshua in your life today? How does this passage lead you to praise God, repent of sin, and trust in his gracious promises?
Music for Sunday
The Glory Is Yours
Crown Him With Many Crowns
You Are Good
What A Beautiful Name
10,000 Reasons
by Jonas Myrin and Matt Redman