Respond to Sunday, July 28, 2019
“The Fight For Rest” Joshua 11-12 | Pastor Rickey Primrose
Truth: Jesus fought for our rest by obeying God’s law in our place. Joshua obeyed all the words of the law. Jesus has perfectly obeyed all of God’s righteous standards. To be in rest in God’s kingdom requires a righteousness that we cannot obtain on our own. Jesus did what none of us could: He obeyed all of God’s law perfectly. Therefore, we can rest from trying to be righteous before God.
Response: In what ways are you trying to show your righteousness to men? To God? What does it mean to rest from your works? How can you cease your own works and more fully experience God’s rest? Praise God this week for Jesus’ perfect work on our behalf.
Truth: Jesus fought for our rest by conquering the sin of our hearts. Joshua gave Israel rest by conquering the sinful nations in the land. The thing that robs us of rest today is not sinful nations in the world but sin in the world and in our lives. When Christ returns, he will remove all sin. Until that day we can enjoy rest from the penalty and power of sin because he took the penalty on himself and gave us the Holy Spirit as the power to conquer sin.
Response: With what are you trying to cover your sin? Religion? Church attendance? Morality? Charity? Confess your sin to God in prayer and with other believers this week and enjoy your spiritual rest.
Truth: Jesus fought for our rest by establishing His rule over our lives. The only way Israel could have rest in the land was if Joshua removed every other king and established the Lord’s rule in the land. Rest would only be obtained when the Lord was the last king standing. And Jesus brings you and me rest the same way—by removing all the other kings in our hearts and establishing His rule in our lives.
Response: Are there kings still left standing in your life? What are some of the idols you still want to control and not let King Jesus rule? Confess those idols. Allow Him to slay that king, and establish His rule in all of your life. Surrender to Jesus’ rule. Rest is only found in surrender.
Family Response
Truth: The Bible is full of models and analogies like the one from Pastor Rickey’s sermon on Sunday—Joshua is to Israel as Jesus is to us. Light is to dark as righteousness is to sin. Holiness is to clean clothes as good works are to dirty rags.
Response: Analogies help kids develop higher-level thinking and comprehension of more complex truths by bridging abstract thoughts to the concrete patterns or facts they already understand. When using analogies to teach our children about spiritual truths, it’s important to remember that analogies are imperfect. Use them to point in the direction of what is true but not as an equal substitute for what is true. As an example from Sunday, Joshua is not really Jesus. Joshua isn’t perfectly right like Jesus is. Joshua isn’t God like Jesus is. Joshua can’t take away the penalty of our sin like Jesus can.
Response: The Gospel as articulated in the New Testament frequently draws analogies to the rules and practices of the Old Testament. When our children participate regularly in Community Groups on Sunday morning, they are building a foundation for understanding these New Testament applications by building schema from Old Testament history through the Gospel Project curriculum.
Prepare for Sunday, August 4, 2019
Pray for the Church
- Leaders in worship: Pastor Rickey Primrose, Brandon Ramey & the Worship Music Ministry.
- God will meet with us through His word and by His Spirit, lead us to worship Christ and grow in Christ-likeness.
- God will help us to be a church of zeal and hope, passionate about ministry and confident in His promises.
- God will make us more passionate about and obedient to His mission of leading people to trust and follow Christ.
Prepare for the Message
“A Flock of Shepherds” | Pastor Rickey Primrose
This week we are taking a break from the book of Joshua. We will return to Joshua on September 22 as we begin our Ron Dunn Encourager Conference. On August 11 Rickey will begin a new series titled “Distinct” relating to the core values of MacArthur Blvd Baptist Church. This Sunday we will be focusing our attention on Matthew 18:10-14 with a sermon titled “A Flock of Shepherds.” Take time this week to read all of Matthew chapter 18 to understand the context of this parable of the lost sheep. What does this passage say about God the Father and his pursuit and protection of his flock? What does this passage say about the church and caring for every individual member? How does this passage relate to a culture that values independence? Pray about the application of this passage to you personally this week.
Music for Sunday
The Lion and The Lamb
by Brenton Brown, Brian Johnson, and Leeland Mooring
All Hail The Power of Jesus’ Name
by Oliver Holden, Edward Perronet, and Tommy Walker