Respond to Sunday, August 18th, 2019
“Depend on the Spirit” John 14:15-17 | Pastor Rickey Primrose
Truth: We must depend on God’s Spirit by actively seeking the Spirit’s presence, and not relying on our own ability. The Holy Spirit is not just a theological concept. He is a person with whom we should fellowship, interact, and depend upon.
Response: Based on your spiritual behaviors what place does the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, have in your life? Based on your behavior, is the Holy Spirit more a theological concept or a person with whom you interact?
Truth: God’s Spirit manifests the active presence of God within the people of God and works together with God’s word to make God known. The Spirit empowers and purifies the people of God. The Holy Spirit also reveals God’s will and unifies God’s people. You cannot know God without the word of God; you also cannot know God without the Spirit of God. God’s Spirit illumines the word for us.
Response: Do you read the word of God asking the Spirit to illumine, apply, and personalize what you read? Do you ask the Spirit to give the desire and power to obey what you read? If the Holy Spirit were to be withdrawn from your life, would anyone see the difference? Confess to God your lack of reliance on the Spirit.
Truth: Depending on God’s Spirit will require persistent prayer. Prayer is a primary way we fellowship with God in the Spirit and call upon the power of God. We must be a people of prayer. We need specific times of prayer as well as an ongoing communion with God in the Spirit throughout our day.
Response: Do you daily call upon the power of the Spirit in prayer? If the Spirit is as important for our lives as we say it is, what are you doing to increase your interaction with Him?
Truth: Depending on God’s Spirit will require humble obedience. When the Spirit puts it on your heart to give something, to go somewhere, or to talk to someone, you must obey and follow. We grieve and quench the Spirit’s power in our lives through our disobedience.
Response: Are there some ways that you are quenching the Spirit’s power in your life? Are there some ways that you have seen the Spirit work in your life by obeying His leading? Ask God for forgiveness in quenching the Spirit’s power and praise Him for the ways in which you have seen the Spirit work in your life.
Family Response
Truth: Jesus called the Holy Spirit, the Helper. He said God’s Spirit helps us by being present in us, by being trustworthy, and by teaching us everything we need to know to trust and follow Christ. The Spirit even helps us remember the things He teaches us. He guards our peace with God and with other Christ followers.
Response: How do we teach our children to depend on God’s Spirit? We must talk about God’s Spirit with our kids. This includes praying with our children so that they hear us asking the Holy Spirit to help us make wise decisions. It also means talking about how the Spirit has been trustworthy to provide help. Our children need to hear specifically how His Spirit has responded to our pursuit of His help.
Response: Another connection our children need to see and hear is that we seek God in His Word AND by His Spirit. I find myself replacing the “and” with “or” in my words and actions as if His Word and His Spirit are unrelated resources to be used for my convenience. I think the dangerous message my children sometimes receive is “If I can’t do it on my own, then I’ll look to God’s Word. And if I can’t find my answer in the Bible, then I’ll ask the Holy Spirit for help.”
Prepare for Sunday, August 25th, 2019
Pray for the Church
- Leaders in worship: Pastor Rickey Primrose, Brandon Ramey & the Worship Music Ministry.
- God will meet with us through His word and by His Spirit, lead us to worship Christ and grow in Christ-likeness.
- God will help us to be a church of zeal and hope, passionate about ministry and confident in His promises.
- God will make us more passionate about and obedient to His mission of leading people to trust and follow Christ.
Prepare for the Message
“Pursue Kingdom Diversity” – Ephesians 2:11-22 | Pastor Rickey Primrose
We continue our mini-series this week entitled, “Distinct: The Core Values That Shape MacArthur Blvd.” This Sunday we will be focusing on Ephesians 2:11-22 as the text that will drive the message around our value, “Pursue Kingdom Diversity.” Read all of Ephesians 2 this week in preparation for this message. As you read take note of some of the products of sin. What was the problem that Paul was addressing in this letter? How does the blood of Christ at the cross resolve, replace, or speak to these products of sin? What does this passage specifically say about the church as it relates to the problem that Paul was writing about? What are some implications of this passage for how Christians of different backgrounds should relate?
Music for Sunday
The Glory Is Yours
Praise The King