Respond to Sunday, November 3rd, 2019
“The Unity of God’s People” – Joshua 22 | Pastor Rickey Primrose
Truth: There is a difference between true biblical unity and what I might call superficial peace. We see this take place during the holidays where families gather together and try and avoid conflict at all cost. Trying to avoid conflict is not unity in its fullness, instead it is superficial peace and our God is not interested in merely that.
Response: Why is it easier to settle for superficial peace instead of biblical unity? In what ways do you see yourself striving for unity? How can conflict actually strengthen us and bring us closer to one another? Who do you need to reach out to this week and resolve conflict with?
Truth: Phinehas was a man who was remembered by his people for being someone who held people accountable. When there was sin going on and the Lord was disciplining the people for there disobedience, Phinehas stood up for what was right and took action.
Response: We all are in desperate need of community that produces biblical accountability. In light of this truth, how can we create a culture of accountability like Phinehas? Why do we often struggle to confront people in their sin? Who do you need to ask to help hold you accountable?
Truth: One way we express our unity as the people of God is through our sacrificial devotion to one another. When your brother or sister in Christ is going through a marriage issue, when they are dealing with something with their child, when they’re fighting depression, when they’re fighting a sin in their lives, we need to be the community that rallies around them.
Response: How can we, as a church, show each other greater devotion in this next season? How can we reach out to those we know are not connected to a community group or are struggling to attend? In what ways recently have you shown sacrificial devotion to someone? Reach out to someone this week you haven’t seen in community group recently.
Truth: When churches and Christians refuse to engage in restorative confrontation when they see their brother walking away from the Lord, they are settling for superficial peace—we just want everybody to get along; we don’t want to rock the boat; we don’t want anybody to get mad. That’s not true, biblical unity; it’s superficial, surface, external peace.
Response: When we see a brother or sister walking away from the Lord, it is our duty to go after them. It is because of unity that we should pursue them, and lovingly, graciously, humbly confront them. What is the goal of restorative confrontation? Is there someone on the member care list that you need to reach out to?
Family Response
Truth: The 2-½ tribes on the east side of the Jordan wanted to remain connected with the tribes on the west side of the Jordan so that they didn’t become separated from God’s presence and provision to their nation. They saw that the river dividing the land had the potential to separate them from their nation. They hoped the monument they built in they shape of God’s altar would guard them and their countrymen from forgetting that they worshiped the one true God together.
Response: You probably don’t have a river that runs through the middle of your home; however, there are plenty of obstacles that can separate family members from unity. Conflict can be one of those obstacles to unity, but conflict does not have to divide your family. Phinehas and the leaders of the 2-½ tribes model a healthy means to resolving conflict. First, Phinehas spoke to the leaders, and the leaders listened. Phinehas spoke to the leaders directly about the wrongdoing that was perceived. He didn’t ignore the wrongdoing or just talk about it with other people. Phinehas went straight to the leaders of the 2-½ tribes to clarify what had happened. Secondly, the leaders responded humbly to Phinehas, and Phinehas listened to them. The leaders didn’t cast accusations back at Phinehas or make excuses. They shared their perception of the circumstances respectfully while Phinehas listened without interrupting. In the end, they blessed God together and restored unity. Joshua 22:33 says “and [they] spoke no more of making war against them.” In other words, nobody brought it up again because the conflict had been settled. What a practical pattern of communication for our homes.
Prepare for Sunday, Nov. 10th, 2019
Pray for the Church
- Leaders in worship: Pastor Rickey Primrose, Brandon Ramey & the Music Ministry.
- God will meet with us through His word and by His Spirit, lead us to worship Christ and grow in Christ-likeness.
- God will help us to be a church of zeal and hope, passionate about ministry and confident in His promises.
- God will make us more passionate about and obedient to His mission of leading people to trust and follow Christ.
Prepare for the Message
“Remain Faithful!” – Joshua 23 | Pastor Rickey Primrose
This coming week Pastor Rickey will be preaching our second to last sermon in our series in Joshua, chapter 23. Read and meditate this week on chapter 23 and come prepared to hear from the Lord. Throughout the book of Joshua, we have seen Joshua get appointed as the leader following Moses death, seen many miracles such as the sun standing still, and also seen the Lord’s provision in his life. In this text we will observe Joshua’s farewell address to the nation of Israel. We are nearing the end of Joshua’s life and he has some counsel, warnings, and instructions to give his people before he goes home to be with the Lord.
Music for Sunday
Come Into His Courts with Praise
Blessed Assurance
His Mercy Is More