This is the thirteenth article released in a series entitled, “Tensions: Navigating Current Issues as a Kingdom Citizen.” This article is by...
MOREThis is the eleventh article released in a series entitled, “Tensions: Navigating Current Issues as a Kingdom Citizen.” This article is by Pastor...
MOREThis is the tenth article released in a series entitled, “Tensions: Navigating Current Issues as a Kingdom Citizen.” This article is by Pastor...
MOREThis is the eighth article released in a series entitled, “Tensions: Navigating Current Issues as a Kingdom Citizen.” This article is by Pastor...
MOREThis is the sixth article released in a series entitled, “Tensions: Navigating Current Issues as a Kingdom Citizen.” This article is by Pastor...
MOREThis is the fourth article released by Pastor Rickey in a series entitled, “Tensions: Navigating Current Issues as a Kingdom Citizen.”...
MOREThis is the third article released by Pastor Rickey in a series entitled, “Tensions: Navigating Current Issues as a Kingdom Citizen.”...
MOREThis is the second article released by Pastor Rickey in a series entitled, “Tensions: Navigating Current Issues as a Kingdom Citizen.”...
MOREThis is a follow up to the Holy Spirit sermon series and is the first article to be released by Pastor Rickey in a series of articles entitled...
MOREWhat does an assembly do when assembling isn’t allowed? The church, to be sure, is an assembly. The word we know as “church” comes from the word...
MORE“Progress in Giving” – Acts 4:32-35 Truth: Progress in giving is a result of unity in the body of Christ. Our unity as...
MORESunday, January 6 Truth: A disciple is someone who submits to the authority of a teacher in order to learn from him and become like...