“The Aftermath of Hidden Sin, Part 1” Joshua 7 | Pastor Rickey Primrose Truth: Hidden sin will be exposed. God specifically called...
MORE“The War on Sin Part 2” Joshua 7 | Pastor Rickey Primrose Truth: The war on sin occurs in your heart. Sin starts in the heart. From...
MORE“Failure to Restoration” Joshua 8 | Pastor Rickey Primrose Truth: God fashions great restoration from our worst failures. The nation...
MORE“Sovereign Grace” Joshua 9 | Pastor Rickey Primrose Truth: God’s sovereign grace overcomes man’s sin and foolishness. His sovereign...
MORE“The God Who Fights for You” Joshua 10 | Pastor Rickey Primrose Truth: God is loyal to fight for those who follow Him by faith. Even...
MORE“The Fight For Rest” Joshua 11-12 | Pastor Rickey Primrose Truth: Jesus fought for our rest by obeying God’s law in our place. Joshua...
MORE“A Flock of Shepherds” Matthew 18-10-14 | Pastor Rickey Primrose Truth: We must love our spiritual siblings enough to pursue them as...
MORE“Submit To God’s Word” 2 Timothy 3:16-17 | Pastor Rickey Primrose Truth: We must submit to God’s Word and look to be biblically...
MORE“Depend on the Spirit” John 14:15-17 | Pastor Rickey Primrose Truth: We must depend on God’s Spirit by actively seeking the Spirit’s...
MORE“Pursue Kingdom Diversity” Ephesians 2:11-22 | Pastor Rickey Primrose Truth: In pursuing kingdom diversity we will pursue Gospel...
MORE“Steward Your Exile Well” – Jeremiah 29:4-7 | Pastor Bob Bolander Truth: As exiles, we must steward our exile well. The prophet...
MORE“Extend Gospel Grace” – Luke 7:36-50 | Pastor Rickey Primrose Truth: In extending Gospel grace, we will strive for authentic...