Summer Reading List 2019

Summer Reading List 2019


“Since Moses descended from the mountain with two loose-leaf stones under his arms,”  Tony Reinke says, “all literature can be divided into two genres: Genre A: The Bible. Genre B: All other books.” As Christians we should be reading the Bible dependently, primarily, and regularly. However, to grow in wisdom and faith we should read from other books as well.

We believe the following books are timely and important for what God is doing in our church body and we wholeheartedly recommend them to you for your summer reading.


Christ From Beginning to End:
How the Full Story of Scripture Reveals the Full Glory of Christ

Trent Hunter & Stephen Wellum

We’re often unsure how the Bible’s many stories, characters, events, relate together and connect to Jesus. This book will help you read the Bible rightly and to keep God’s purpose in mind throughout the entire story. This is a comprehensive read of how the glory of Christ is revealed throughout all of scripture and will empower you to share that glory with others.

Gospel: Recovering the Power that Made Christianity Revolutionary
J.D. Greear

Many of us at times feel tired, apathetic, and even angry at God for making us follow a bunch of rules. By all outward appearances we are a follower of Christ but internally we feel like a  “professional Christian” having substituted godly living for the gospel. This book will remind you of grace and lead you to rediscover the power and beauty of the gospel.


Bethany, God, & Me: Hope in the Midst of Heartbreak
Bonnie Bolander

Authored by one of our own church family, this memoir is transparent and hopeful.  Bonnie’s journey will minister specifically to parents but also everyone facing suffering and heartbreak. This book is a beautiful picture of choosing to live in the midst of profound grief, healing in the aftermath of deep hurt, and trusting God to use it all for His glory. 

Before You Open Your Bible: Nine Heart Postures for Approaching God’s Word
Matt Smethurst

All of us know the Bible is important but many of us struggle with it. We have started many a Bible reading plan that bogs down at Leviticus. This quick read of ninety-six pages will work on your heart as you begin your devotional time or study with the word. This “prelude” to reading the word of God will help you get the posture of your heart right before you encounter God in the Scriptures.


Sharing Jesus Without Freaking Out: Evangelism the Way Your Were Born to Do It
Alvin Reid

This book doesn’t offer another rigid, formulaic method of sharing the gospel. Rather, this is an encouraging, practical book that reminds us of the basic truths of the gospel, recalibrates our heart toward grace, and offers suggestions on engaging in gospel-centered conversations. Helpful and convicting at the same time, this book can help take some of the fear and confusion out of faithfully, and joyfully, being obedient to the Great Commission. 

The Unsaved Christian: Reaching Cultural Christianity with the Gospel
Dean Inserra  

For many people, good standing with God is related to heritage, rites of passage, or general morality. Jesus just happens to be a nice mascot. This book is a perfect follow up to our “Conversion” series about the overlooked mission field of those who are fine with church, and often attend, but are far from God. 

We would love to hear your thoughts on how these books have ministered to you. Grace and peace!
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